Find the answer to the most frequent questions and learn everything about our shipping terms and conditions.
As important as offering delicious and nutritive Spanish foods is to deliver them in a way that is fair, fast, safe for the foods, and that fits in your lifestyle. Here you can find all the information about our services on a language for human beings.
Do you ship internationally? How much are the shipping costs?
Currently, we only ship parcels within the UK , and we are not quite sure about NI. At the moment, we don´t have plans to restart shipping to the EU or other countries.
How long does it take and order in being delivered?
The cutting time to ship your order on the same day is 01:00pm. Any order made after that time will be shipped on the next working day.
If you selected ‘expedited’ or ‘next working day’ delivery, please be aware that it should be with you the NEXT WORKING DAY AFTER THE PARCEL WAS SHIPPED. Otherwise, it takes 2 or 3 working days.
Orders containing refrigerated foods won´t be shipped on the day before a bank holiday or on a Friday. This is to avoid them spending the whole weekend sitting on the courier´s depot. I.E. If you place your order on a Thursday at 13:05, your order will be shipped the next week. If you place an order on a Wednesday at 13:05 and Friday is a bank holiday, we will ship it next week.
We only ship orders on working days.
We only deal with or ship orders during our working hours.
Saturday is not a working day.
We don’t have any control over what happens after the order is shipped. The delivery time is an aim and not a promise that we can guarantee. Please, understand that sometimes there are delays, mistakes, and every kind of accidents while the parcel is in transit. If something wrong happens, we will be happy to help you, and we will take any steps needed to make your parcel reach you, including claims, phone calls to the courier, shipping the parcel again or refunding your money if the parcel gets definitely lost. But still, the best way to be sure that you will have your order on time is to place it with plenty of time in advance.
Is there any compensation if my order is delivered late?
If we did not manage to ship your order on time, or if we selected the wrong shipping service, we will refund 50% of the shipping costs.
We can´t offer any compensation when the delay is beyond our control, or it if has been caused by the addressee. This can be anything from weather disruptions to the postman unable to access your property because a dog is barking on the fence.
When the delay is caused by the courier, we will offer you compensation in line with our courier’s compensations policies. At the moment, we ship our orders with Royal Mail and Parcelforce only. You can find their compensation policies here:
What happens if my parcel gets lost or damaged?
If your parcel gets lost, we will send you a new one, or issue a full refund, depending on your preferences and our ability to fulfil a new delivery.
We pack our parcels very carefully, but foods are fragile and sometimes they get damaged in transit. If the contents on your order get totally or partially damaged, we will ship a replacement or issue a full or partial refund.
Why can´t I order certain products?
At the moment, we don’t ship any product that needs to stay in the freezer. We can’t ship homemade foods either.
Shipping frozen or homemade products is just physically impossible. They will never reach you in good condition. But on the positive side, this gives you one more reason to come and visit Edinburgh, as our shop is there!
Please, please, please… don’t place any unshippable order as ‘collect in store (EDINBURGH)’ if you don’t plan to actually come to Edinburgh to pick it up. If you do so, then we will have to reimburse your order, and the payments gateway keeps part of their commission. Believe me, we need that money more than PayPal/Credit Card companies do. No matter if your order is worth £10 or £200, it’s just impossible for us to ship those products.
Could you give me a better price or free shipping costs if I order in bulk?
At Las Delicias, we are retailers only. And we are a very small company. In order to offer a reasonable price for all our customers, we keep our margins very low. Our regular prices usually are the best price we can offer! But have a look at our sale section. You will find nice Spanish foods at a reduced price!
If you are a business looking for wholesale prices, perhaps you would prefer to get in touch with our providers.
How much are the shipping costs to my address?
The postage depends on the weight, VAT liability, shipping service and whether the products need to be kept refrigerated or not.
With so many variables, it is impossible to tell how much it is going to be in advance. However, the shipping cost will be displayed on the website at checkout, so you can decide whether to go ahead with your order or not.
I don´t like shipping costs. Why do I have to pay so much?
We totally understand that you don´t like shipping costs. We don´t like them either! However, our couriers insist on charging us every single time we ship a parcel. We also need to pay for boxes and envelopes (despite we try to reuse any box that falls in our hands!). This is why we need to charge you the shipping costs.
I´m going to tell you a little secret: there is not such a thing as ‘free shipping’. When free shipping is offered, the price is always built in each item you purchase. When we sell on other platforms, like Amazon, sometimes we are forced to build the shipping costs in the item price in order to offer ‘free shipping’. As a result, those customers that buy multiple units end up paying multiple shipping costs. But in our own platform, we feel more comfortable charging you only the price that we are charged by our couriers.
How can I order at Las Delicias?
You can place an order at any time on this website, or visit our brick-and-mortar shop in Edinburgh during our opening times. Our address is 47 Great Junction Street, EH6 5HX, and our opening times are Monday to Friday 10:00-18:00, and Saturday 09:30-17:00.
We can’t take orders over the phone, but you can give us a call to make any question. Our telephone number is 07742203460. Please notice that we are a small shop and we don’t have dedicated staff to attend calls. Sometimes, we might not be able to pick up the phone.
To ensure that the foods reach you in perfect condition, we can not despatch orders containing frozen, refrigerated or homemade foods. Those products that can not be shipped have a notice on the product file. If you place one of those products on your shopping cart, you will find that you can only select “Collect in our store LOCATED EDINBURGH” as a shipping option. Our Edinburgh customers can also choose “Home delivery” to get those products. Please, please, please, don’t select “collect in store” if you are not coming to Edinburgh, only to try to get those products that we can not ship. We will have to cancel your order and it will make everybody very sad.
How do I pay for my order?
In-store, we accept cash, bank cards – including American Express – and contactless devices.
When ordering online, you can pay by PayPal or using a bank card. We offer two options for card payments (option 1 and option 2). Both are the same service but offered by different providers. If your card is declined by one provider, you can try with the other one.
How does the Welcome Discount works?
You can get a 10% Off one order when you sign in our mailing list. Once you signed up, you should receive your coupon code and use it right away.
This coupon code is valid only for 7 days after it has been sent to you. It can only be used once per customer, and a customer can only apply for one discount code. If you sign in to our mail list, sign out and then sign in again, you will not get a new coupon code.
Following the Scottish law in alcohol off-sales, this voucher does not apply to alcohol purchases. The discount does not apply to shipping costs.
What does "suitable for vegans or vegetarians" mean?
Vegan and vegetarian are the two mainstream plant-based diets. However, those are umbrella terms that include very different approaches to plant-based diets.
As a shop that does not specialize in vegan and vegetarian diets, we have decided to take a general approach to vegan and vegetarian diets. We consider it suitable for vegetarians any food that does not include products of animal origin on its ingredients list, except eggs, milk, or honey. We consider suitable for vegans any food that does not include products of animal origin.
We have decided not to consider traces as an ingredient, and products with traces of eggs and milk are considered suitable for vegans. Products with traces of fish and crustaceans are considered suitable for vegans and vegetarians. We consider cheese to be always suitable for vegetarians, despite we do not know whether the rennet on each cheese is of animal or vegetal origin. This also applies to cuajada.
We understand that many vegetarians and vegans would not eat a product that may have rennet or traces of products of animal products, and we respect that approach. However, traces of meat, animal fat, honey, or other animal product ingredients are not noted on the labeling. Therefore, we do not have any means to know if there is any trace of products of animal origin at all.
We consider that taking a more severe approach to which products may or may not be suitable for vegetarians and vegans may be misleading, giving our customers the idea that we know exactly which ones of our products are suitable for more strict vegans or vegetarians.
If you take a strict vegetarian or vegan approach, we do not recommend buying any product from our shop, as we don’t have the means to run in-deep research of our provider’s production process. If you have questions about any product in particular, please get in touch with us, because we have close contact with many of the producers and we may be able to help, but in most cases the only information we have is limited to the labelling.