Once Upon a Time…

One year ago, the 3rd April, I opened the shop to the customers for the first time. Karen was working a long shift, and she (and all our family) was checking WhatsApp every five minutes waiting for news about how was I doing on our first day. Some friends said they will come to visit me.

All that I could think of the night before was “How will I tell them if I was by myself the whole day?”. To encourage people to come to the shop, I announced it on Facebook and promised I would give away olive oil or aniseed tortas to anybody who came to visit me during those early days.

Luckily I was not by myself on that day, and I have not been alone any other day since I started. Many of those early customers are still coming back, and some more have added up.

How much can a business change in a year?

We started with about 200 products in our store. Today we have more than 500 different lines (and we are still bringing in new products every week).

We had a single page website that said: “under construction”. Today we have a webshop that I´m very proud of (mainly because I built it myself!), and we also offer our products on Amazon.

We did not sell alcohol in store. We still don´t have a full off license yet, but we started selling beautiful wines, beers, cider and liquors in store in October/November.

I was the only person doing everything, now I have an assistant to manage the Social Networks and help at the shop sometimes (and she is quite good!)

Las Delicias has changed a lot during these 12 months, but there is something that stays the same: every morning we wake up with a lot of plans, dreams and passion to bring you the best, healthier, tastier and affordable Spanish food to fill your day-to-day with aroma, flavour and joy.

Our gift for you

That´s why on our first anniversary we want to make you a gift. Come now to our store, or shop online, and you will receive a free bottle of smoked paprika when you spend £7 or more, starting today until 8th April, or while the stock lasts!

It is our way to say thank you for supporting us. We hope to have you around not only the next week but during the next 12 months!

Come to visit us today, or make your purchase online now!